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Terms of Sales

* Delivery times are only indicative; a delay cannot lead to the cancellation of the order and / or to damages.
* Invoices are payable in cash.
* Complaints must be sent by registered mail, within 8 days.
* In the event of late payment, interest is automatically due, at the rate of 1% per month, as well as a lump sum compensation of 15%, with a minimum of 100 eur.
* The goods remain the property of the seller until full payment.
* In the event of cancellation of the order, the customer is liable for compensation equivalent to 33% of the value thereof.
* For the rental, a breakdown does not give rise to the suspension of the payment of the rent.
* For repairs, working hours are counted from leaving the workshop until returning to it; in addition, a flat rate is calculated for transport and administration costs.
* The warranty is see above; this warranty is limited to spare parts (and working hours for new equipment and repairs); freon refills, leaks and consequential damages (among others the contents) are totally excluded from the guarantee; the warranty period is limited to the original duration. A maintenance contract is mandatory in order to benefit from the warranty.

* When installing or modifying equipment on a construction site, Carveen will not take charge of the removal of the client's old equipment unless it is mentioned and signed when creating the contract.

* Only the courts of Dendermonde are competent in the event of a dispute.